September 3, 2020

Tribes: Why inviting is more powerful than selling

Tribes: Why inviting is more powerful than selling

As humans, we are all born with a need to belong. We identify with the groups, teams and communities we belong to – and in turn, they help create our own sense of identity.

This single insight is what separates great brands from the rest. And why inviting people to join is far more powerful than asking people to buy.

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.”
- Seth Godin, Tribes

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.”

- Seth Godin, Tribes

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.”

- Seth Godin, Tribes
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Tribes aren’t defined by age, gender, race or location, but by a shared mindset. For brands, it is the difference between consumers who simply like the product and those with a passion for the brand and everything it stands for.

Brands such as Apple, Nike, Harley Davidson, Lego, Tesla, and Fender have nailed the tribal element of branding. Their most loyal followers have their own communities who are not simply consumers, but believers and promoters.

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The riches are in the niches

The key to creating a tribe is to not try and be all things to all people. A tiny but motivated group is much better than a large group with a weak connection.

That’s why Burger King in Norway ran a ‘Whopper Sellout’ promotion giving away free Big Macs if people unfollowed them on Facebook. They knew that their most loyal fans would remain – creating a stronger, more connected tribe. And it worked – many casual fans took the free burger and unfollowed, but overall engagements increased 500%.

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How can brands build tribes?

Groups need just two things to become tribes: a shared interest and a way to communicate.

While tribes start through a shared idea, it turns into a movement when their common interest becomes a goal they are passionate about reaching.

The job of brands is to be authentic and transparent about their purpose, vision, and values. It’s about giving customers something to belong to and a platform to share their passion. Most importantly, it’s about showing them how they can be part of a collective movement.

The best brands don’t sell. They invite.

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